Rózsahegyi Ágnes: The film as a possible means of second language acquistion Part 1

Having had the audio-visual input (the preview of the feature film Instinct) two lessons are devoted to a film-based discussion in order to – above all – emotionally confirm the factual and language knowledge L2 learners have acquired in one of the units of their course book (Enterprise 4 Unit 9 published by Express Publishing) on one of the many possible aspects of animal protection. The film – amongst others – provides the teacher opportunity to strengthen the awareness of human responsibility concerning life as such, equally regarding either that of a human being or that of an animal.
The lessons – basically content oriented – have the double goal of developing language skills (mainly spontaneous L2 use) and personal features (chiefly the awareness of responsibility).
In the first lesson (Part 1) the teacher’s definite intention is to activate the structures and vocabulary that L2 learners are equipped with in this particular field, and for educational purposes to elicit some of the main features that raise a film above average, as well as to encourage Ls to evaluate events and characters on the basis of their moral views. In order to achieve the above mentioned goals the communicative approach is applied mainly using the methods of cooperative language teaching. The terms of the applied cooperative structures are taken from Spencer Kagan.

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