Rózsahegyi Ágnes: The town functioning as ‘School’

Six lessons are devoted to a project on how the place we live in can function as school, in other words, what opportunities and facilities are available for the L2 learners (henceforth: Ls) to confirm or expand both the factual and the language knowledge they have acquired in the course of their general and L2 studies. The project – amongst others – provides the students opportunity to strengthen their confidence in terms of using L2, also the awareness of the many ways they can choose from in order to achieve the above goal under real-life circumstances. These lessons are meant to enhance the ability of informal learning, the capability of self-improvement. They also contribute to confirm Ls’ social competences and maintaining their motivation.
In the first lesson the teacher’s responsibility is to prepare Ls for the tasks they have to fulfill during their project. They clarify both the goal and the possible ways of execution and achievement. They discuss the tasks, form smaller groups (of about 4-6), agree on the means of presentation and evaluation. The project is to be done in the form of fieldwork.
The actual fieldwork takes up further 4 lessons, during which Ls execute their tasks. They take photos, make notes and – if possible- recordings.
In the third stage of their project at home they arrange their findings, which have to be presented in the following lesson. Ls are also expected to reflect on the task as well as on their own performance.

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